วันพุธที่ 4 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2555

Motorola Xoom HDMI achievement on a 52" LCD TV

Motorola Xoom HDMI achievement on a 52" LCD TV Video Clips. Duration : 4.27 Mins.

The Motorola Xoom, along with the new Apple iPad 2, has a slick HDMI out port. This port mirrors anything that's on your screen, and is quick slick. In this video, I'll quickly show you how it works, what makes it so cool, and how it compares to the similar feature on the iPad 2. Full post: www.mickmel.com Also check out my "Xoom vs. iPad 2" post: www.mickmel.com

Keywords: apple, ipad 2, motorola, xoom, honeycomb, hdmi, tv, mickmel

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